Our Advantages

Import for repair-export/delivery

Import customs clearance and delivery to designated addresses/factories;
Coordinate with factories and monitor the cargo status;
Delivery on board or export abroad timely;


Off-landing with customs permit;
Transfer to other vessels;
Off-landing for repair or exporting;

Tax refund

Exporting tax refund;
Domestic delivery tax refund (Ports and Shipyards);
Bonded shipment declaration (Original Equipment Manufacture, Free-trade Zone);

Red Book

New building vessels and DD vessels;
Customs declaration and shipyards coordination;
Inland transportation and delivery;

Project cargo

Oversized, heavy-lift cargo (Scrubber, BWTS, Propeller, Crane, Mevis duct etc);
Experienced customs clearance and delivery;
Transportation (Special vehicles, Barge);
LN2 delivery for LNG;